See 5 Resume Tips To Think Like A Recruiter

5 Resume Tips To Think Like A Recruiter

The average recruiter spends about 1-2 minutes initially reading a resume. Making the reader’s experience effortless is key to getting a call for your next job.

The most common complaint from recruiters is that there is no uniformity when it comes to finding the information they need in a candidate’s resume. 

Read our 5 resume tips to think like a recruiter & beat the skim reading test:


Can you travel to the job location? How far off are you? If you are not close, then explain your reason for application in your cover letter. Decide if you want to leave your location off your resume for some applications. There have been many times that a person has said they would be happy travelling for an hour but 3 months in it becomes a trial to spend so much time in a train or stuck in traffic. Thinking about how this bias could come into play for you personally is important; it’s covering a generalisation that may not apply to your situation.


Needless to say, just like LinkedIn, Facebook and even Bumble – your profile and general information is key. A small blurb on yourself and what you want to achieve in your career, forms a basis of you in the recruiters mind. Make sure you are honest to stand out. 


What are the key skills you possess that are beneficial to the job you are applying for? Listing them in bullet point format on the first page is a good idea. It is important to make the list short and accurate. Do not forget to list tech and computer skills. 

Employment History

Have you worked in a similar role before? What were your key responsibilities and achievements? Be clear, accurate and concise in sharing these details. A maximum of 5-7 bullet points is good. Assist the reader by having an easy-to-follow duties lists. Lead your task description with the task itself and then detail the action you took.

Example: Spreadsheets – create and maintain complex spreadsheets for various reporting purposes.

Sell Achievements or Projects Completed

Showcasing your achievements might end up in an interview, despite not meeting some of the key criteria. Employers are increasingly placing importance on behavioural traits, rather than just technical skills. Try and start or end every employment history with an achievement / project bullet point.

It is important to tailor your resumes for different roles. But also keep in mind that your resume should speak to what your LinkedIn profile showcases. Any inaccuracy between the two, sends a red flag to recruiters.

Tell a story about your journey. Remember your resume should make the recruiter’s job easier!

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