Gender Pay Equity: A Crucial Step in Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Gender pay equality remains a challenge in the Australian workforce. Follow this guide to understanidng pay equity in your business or workplace.
Discover This Month
It’s our 18th Birthday this month, and we wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the ways of finding work from the past to now. Recruitment has come a very long way and technology now plays a huge part in the process. Knowing how recruitment works is important to job seekers and important in finding new staff as well.
Read our news this month which celebrates our birthday but also allows us to reflect on how we can help our subscribers and followers and candidates into the future.
Hope you enjoy this newsletter and all the content we have coming your way.
Read more below……………………………………
In the 1940’s word of mouth after the war was one of the key ways to see if there were job openings or vacancies in offices or factories; finding work was not difficult post-war as many companies found themselves selling out of products and services to those returning from war and seeing an end to a very difficult period in history.
The 1950s was a time of high fashion and interesting attitudes to women working and joining the workforce vs family life; the working week and 9-5 hours became more mainstream, people were using word of mouth, bulletins and physical job boards as the most common ways to find work.
Supermarkets and libraries hosted these boards where people would check daily for opportunities and then make a phone call to set up an appointment. Resumes on paper were now common, and this made it easier to provide more detail and show your work history, they were still typed on paper but all the information was available now.
The 1970’s was boom time, and many companies grew very quickly. They outsourced their recruitment and agencies started to become a common way of finding work and preparing for an interview. The 1980s helped job seekers become more contactable with the invention and common uptake of the mobile phone. Now job seekers could add a personal phone number to a resume and have a confidential conversation instead of the call coming through reception.
Computers and the internet featured in job seeking for the next 20 years changing the way people looked for work considerably. Emailing information, which could be collated by databases and applicant tracking software, electronic documentation, electronic signing and confidentiality agreements all have made life easier for both managers and job applicants.
Each and every month we look at a theme and topic which may help those considering looking for a new job, training or upskilling to future proof themselves.
We welcome your feedback on some of the topics that you would like us to research and discuss, we are open to suggestions and want to make our content relevant to you.
Our team is busy finding new opportunities and searching for great talent alongside bringing you insights and content. If you know anyone that is looking for work please ask them to get in touch with us and register online.
Until next month thank you for helping celebrate our milestone and we look forward to the next 18th year ahead.
Warm regards
Gender pay equality remains a challenge in the Australian workforce. Follow this guide to understanidng pay equity in your business or workplace.
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