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It was predicted that 2020 will see candidates wanting more meaningful work life experiences. This, in turn, will result in organisations offering unique and meaningful employee perks.
According to a 2019 survey, 62% Australian employees consider non-salary benefits of more important than the base salary.
While benefits like health insurance, time in-lieu, extra holidays, added Superannuation contributions and parental/carers leave are seen as the norm across Australia, there are other work perks that can be added depending on your business and what would appeal to your staff, with a little planning you can create your perfect benefits list.
Here are our top work perks for 2020:
Flexible work is here to stay – With 4 out of 5 workers saying they would turn down a job if it lacked the option for remote work; flexible working is still the number one Australian work perk. The ability to choose working hours, work location and days for flexi work is something employees are still looking to keep.
Fertility benefits – Having prioritised their career and choosing to have a family later in life, employees are looking at alternative means more and more. This means, employers are providing a more extensive range of fertility benefits as part of their health plans. Providing this benefit, can result in added loyalty and employee retention.
Pawternity benefits – From creating pet friendly spaces to entire offices, there’s more to the pawternity benefit than letting your team take their pets to the office. More employees are looking at extending leave for their pets’ illnesses and discounted services for pet care.
Telehealth services – Employers need to subscribe to health and wellness services that are accessible across digital platforms. Enabling employees to consult with medical professionals on a range of physical and mental health matters, online or through an app is increasingly effective. Chose an Employee Assistance Provider (EAP) that offers proficient digital services.
Development support – Offering subsidised education, training or personal development courses closes out the list for the top 5 work perks for Australians. It can be as simple as offering cross training for another role or providing access to an online learning platform. Most motivated employees enjoy learning a new skill or understanding the business better.
If you have a partner or client that provide services that can be converted into an employee perk, try and put your collaboration hat on.
While not all of these perks are suitable for every business, perhaps there is a place for a few. Talk to your team, find out their motivators and perhaps you will have a winner on your hands!
If you require experienced talent management support, contact us and access our Work Perk Decision Matrix.
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*Survey data – Robert Half
Connect and let us discuss how we can help with our ready to go employees.