7 Habits of Considerate Leaders

“Being considerate of others will take you further in life than any college or professional degree” Marian Wright Edelman

As a leader, it is not easy to remember to be considerate all the time, especially during times of stress and panic. However, this is a trait that will take you a long way. Being considerate towards others is a positive trait to bring to the workplace.

Being considerate is good for your mental and physical health, career, and everyone around you. On top of that, it just feels good. Did you know that when we show consideration towards others our brain’s reward centre is triggered? This gives you a happy and positive feeling, similar to a ‘runner’s high’.

Being deliberately considerate requires you to alter your behaviour to accommodate others and provide tangible help in tough situations.

Follow these 7 habits of considerate people and see the difference you make:

People unconsciously mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. When you smile, they will return the favour.

Be on time

Be considerate and show up when you said you would. Everyone’s time is equally important – even in places where you’re the boss.

Put others at ease

Mind your manners and focus on how the other person feels, not on how you feel. Make a conscious effort to make others comfortable around you.

Spread positivity

Be happy and take a positive outlook to meetings. There’s always a silver lining – listen to the concerns and then see how you can make things work for the best.

Use emotional intelligence

Use your intuition and check on someone who you think is having a bad day. Help a co-worker with something they’re struggling with, listen when someone has a problem to discuss often people just want to talk not to be given advice.

Apologise if you need to

Apologise in situations where a sincere apology is necessary if you’ve made a mistake. This is a leadership trait that is extremely hard to keep up with.

Let everybody win

Considerate people try and find a way for everybody to win. Yes, everybody. It might not always be possible but stop thinking of every interaction as a win/lose scenario.

Being empathetic and considerate is a step in the right direction, next you need to put those feelings into action. Put yourself in someone else shoes, your ability to walk in their shoes will change how you react. 

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