News that helps connect you to opportunities

Discover This Month – January 2023

This month we start 2023 off with a focus on the older and part-time workforce. What this means for you as a job seeker or someone considering returning to work.

Your career can be a winding road that is sometimes best taken one step at a time regardless of if you are at the tail end or the very beginning.

Less can sometimes mean more when it comes to your career making part-time work more appealing than you may think. It often can be used as a stepping stone to a great opportunity.

Don’t forget to reach out and contact us for advice if your circumstances change, we welcome you to keep your CV and details up to date.


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The older and part-time workforce

When you are young, regardless of whether you haven’t found the full-time position you want or your industry requires experience you don’t yet have, part-time working can open the doors you want in the long term while adding to your required skill set in the process. The flexibility of part-time work doesn’t only offer you time to reflect or undertake further learning or pursue other things, it can also prevent you from running your personal batteries down low, thus keeping the topic of burn-out at a distance.

For the older worker, the busiest times may be behind you and the dependency on a full-time wage or the limitations in place due to pensions or other financial contributions to your life may mean you want to work less hours. With age comes experience, and with experience comes clear thinking, problem-solving, patience and life skills; all of these have substantial value in the contemporary workforce. Factors that should not be overlooked by employers.

Pairing older part-time workers with the young brings with it a spectrum of positive possibilities. The new technological world can seem daunting to older workers until they have the chance to work with a skilled younger worker that knows no other reality. On the flipside a skill that takes years to develop through trial and error can often become easy to learn and understand when accompanied by an older experienced colleague that has been doing it for decades. There are benefits to both sides.

The fruits of the part-time workforce have the potential to cross-pollinate to everybody’s benefit making it a viable and attractive option whatever the age bracket.

If you are a more mature candidate it’s important at interview stage to highlight your experience, use of technology and your full skill set. With a skills short market this could be your best advantage. Service industries lend themselves to varied hours and staffing requirements which could make part time hours attractive to employers, use this as an opportunity to show your worth and it can also lead to further hours or a very rewarding working experience which allows you to participate in other activities and not just working.

Message from the CEO

Our focus this month is on ensuring employers consider and be open minded when it comes to employing more mature, experienced people or eve those starting their careers.  Internships and graduate programs are becoming more common in Australia and any opportunity to open the doors to more candidates is welcomed by us.. For those looking for work, it’s easy to be disheartened if you feel like you are not being afforded an opportunity due to age. 

Speak to us about your resume and how we might be able to highlight more of the skills that will lead to a more positive outcome. If you are wondering if you need to upskill or gain more experience consider part time work which could be an excellent opportunity to do both. Get in touch if you would like to discuss your options with us.  Don’t forget that social media is an excellent way to find new roles and keep in touch with who is hiring etc.  So make sure you follow us on Linkedin to keep in touch with insights, job opportunities and more.

Until next month




Right to Disconnect – Employers Guide

The Australian “Right to Disconnect” legislation is coming in August 2024 and, for many employers, it might seem like an added layer of complexity. However, here at Recruitment Central, we see it as an opportunity to refine communication practices and update policies, ensuring clear expectations.

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