The go to news for business leaders & employers

Discover This Month – November 2023

This month, we’re reviewing jobs of the future. As technology continues to advance, new roles have emerged that did not exist in the past. 


Employers who keep up to date with the future of work and understand how these changes will impact them will not only become stakeholders in shaping this change, but also position themselves as leaders in the evolving landscape. 


It’s a great way to attract talent and ensure your organisation is ahead of the market. 


Not all organisations can offer these future jobs but by being aware of how things are changing and evolving it will help you be equipped for what is to come.


Our report this month brings you just some of the roles that we believe are jobs of the future.


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Future Job Titles

1. AI Ethicist:

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), ethical considerations become paramount. AI ethicists navigate the ethical implications and ensure responsible and fair use of AI technologies within organisations.

2. Virtual Reality Architect:

As virtual reality (VR) continues to advance, the role of a VR architect involves designing immersive digital experiences, ranging from training simulations to virtual tours, enhancing user engagement and interaction.

3. Data Analysts and Scientists:

With the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making, data analysts and scientists are crucial. They interpret complex data sets, derive meaningful insights, and guide strategic decisions based on statistical analysis.

4. Blockchain Developer:

As blockchain technology gains prominence, developers skilled in blockchain architecture and coding are in demand. They design and implement secure and transparent decentralized systems for various applications.

5. Digital Health Specialist:

The intersection of technology and healthcare has given rise to digital health specialists. They focus on implementing digital solutions, such as telehealth platforms and health monitoring devices, to improve patient care.

6. Sustainability Manager:

Sustainability managers oversee initiatives to reduce environmental impact within organisations. They develop and implement strategies for sustainable practices, considering social and environmental responsibilities.

7. Genetic Counselor:

With advancements in genetic testing, genetic counsellors provide guidance to individuals and families regarding genetic risks, helping them make informed decisions about healthcare and family planning.

8. Remote Work Facilitator:

With the rise of remote work, facilitators focus on optimizing virtual collaboration, employee engagement, and work-life balance, ensuring teams remain productive and connected.


9. Robotics Engineer:

Robotics engineers design, build, and maintain robotic systems. From manufacturing to healthcare, these professionals play a crucial role in implementing automation technologies.

10. Quantum Computing Scientist:

As quantum computing evolves, scientists in this field work on developing and optimizing quantum algorithms, advancing the capabilities of quantum computers for complex problem-solving.

11. Augmented Reality (AR) Developer:

AR developers create applications that overlay digital information onto the real world, enhancing user experiences in fields such as gaming, education, and workplace training.

12. Renewable Energy Technician:

As the world shifts toward sustainable energy, renewable energy technicians install, maintain, and repair renewable energy systems, including solar panels and wind turbines.



What focusing on these roles can do.

Being open-minded to emerging roles in the job market could bring benefits for employers in several ways:


1. Adaptability and Innovation:

   – Benefit: By embracing emerging roles, employers cultivate a culture of adaptability and innovation within their organisation.

   – Impact: Employees are more likely to embrace change, explore new ideas, and contribute to innovative solutions.


2. Talent Attraction and Retention:

   – Benefit: Demonstrating a willingness to incorporate new roles attracts top talent seeking dynamic and forward-thinking workplaces.

   – Impact: Employers can build a diverse and skilled workforce, boosting employee satisfaction and retention rates.


3. Competitive Edge in Recruitment:

   – Benefit: Being open to emerging roles gives employers a competitive edge in attracting top talent with unique skill sets.

   – Impact: Organisations become more appealing to candidates seeking opportunities aligned with future trends.


4. Strategic Workforce Planning:

   – Benefit: An open-minded approach allows employers to anticipate and plan for future workforce needs strategically.

   – Impact: Organisations can align their talent pool with emerging trends, ensuring they have the right skills for future demands.


5. Enhanced Problem-Solving Capabilities:

   – Benefit: A diverse set of skills, including those from emerging roles, contributes to enhanced problem-solving capabilities.

   – Impact: Employees can approach challenges with innovative perspectives, leading to more effective and efficient solutions.


6. Increased Workplace Diversity:

   – Benefit: Embracing emerging roles fosters a diverse workforce that reflects a broad range of skills, experiences, and backgrounds.

   – Impact: A diverse workforce promotes creativity, productivity, and a more inclusive workplace culture.


7. Future-Proofing the Organisation:

   – Benefit: Proactively integrating emerging roles ensures organisations remain relevant and adaptable in a rapidly changing environment.

   – Impact: Employers future-proof their business, reducing the risk of skills gaps and staying ahead of industry trends.


8. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction:

   – Benefit: Employees feel valued when their skills and interests align with the organisation’s openness to new roles.

   – Impact: Increased job satisfaction and engagement contribute to higher productivity and a positive workplace atmosphere.



Message from the CEO

For me, being open-minded to the emergence of new roles in the job market is crucial for employers and I think it brings numerous advantages. 

This mindset fosters a culture of adaptability and innovation within an organisation, encouraging employees to embrace change and contribute to ideas when innovative solutions are needed. It also adds to your talent attraction and retention process and makes the workplace appealing to people seeking dynamic and forward-thinking environments. 

Employers gain a competitive edge in recruitment by demonstrating a willingness to incorporate unique skill sets associated with emerging roles. This open-minded approach enables strategic workforce planning, ensuring that the business aligns its talent pool with future trends. 

Incorporating a variety of skills from new roles helps us solve problems better and creates a more inclusive work environment. It also helps us stay up-to-date with industry trends and reduces the chance of lacking necessary skills in the future. This means employees enjoy their jobs more, feel more engaged, and we build a strong reputation as leaders in our field (who doesn’t want that!!).

Keeping an open-minded stance on this future job market will mean employers can navigate the evolving job market successfully, fostering adaptability, innovation, and sustained success.

Just a reminder that we are here to assist you with permanent, temporary or contract roles. We also assist many clients with human resources advice and information to manage their current workforce and workforce planning so that you are never caught short with staffing needs. Please reach out. 




Right to Disconnect – Employers Guide

The Australian “Right to Disconnect” legislation is coming in August 2024 and, for many employers, it might seem like an added layer of complexity. However, here at Recruitment Central, we see it as an opportunity to refine communication practices and update policies, ensuring clear expectations.

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