Gender Pay Equity: A Crucial Step in Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Gender pay equality remains a challenge in the Australian workforce. Follow this guide to understanidng pay equity in your business or workplace.
Discover This Month – August 2023
Our market insight this month is focused on shedding light on the trend of video interviews and modern hiring practices, which have become integral to the recruitment landscape and are here to stay. As the world continues to evolve, so do the ways we connect and interact, and video interviews are no exception. They offer unparalleled convenience for both employers and candidates, making the hiring process more efficient, accessible, and inclusive.
In this market report, we’ll explore the enduring benefits of video interviews and provide essential tips to help you conduct successful remote interviews allowing you to conduct more interviews at a time that suits both parties.
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The Appeal of Video Interviews:
Tips for Conducting Remote Interviews:
The world of recruitment is ever-evolving, and embracing this transformative technology opens doors to a wealth of talent and opportunities like never before.
Video interviews work wonders, offering unprecedented convenience, global reach, and cost-effectiveness. They can empower your team to collaborate seamlessly, make faster decisions, and ultimately build exceptional teams.
Video interviews are more than just a trend; they are the gateway to a world of talent waiting to be discovered and they are here to stay. Of course, if an in-person face-to-face interview is possible by all means opt for that, especially with a second-round interview. However, for initial interviews, video is perfect.
We, at Recruitment Central, understand the critical role these interviews play in securing top-notch candidates for your organisation. Our commitment to staying ahead of the curve allows us to harness the full potential of video interviews and provide you with a bespoke recruitment experience that’s efficient, inclusive, and future-focused.
With our innovative assessment tools and extensive candidate network, we are ready to help you find the people you need. Our team is eager to collaborate with you, ensuring your hiring process is a success.
Step into the future with Recruitment Central, and let us help you build the extraordinary teams your organisation deserves. We have access to passive candidates that are not yet on the market, discuss these options with us whenever you are ready to hire next.
Gender pay equality remains a challenge in the Australian workforce. Follow this guide to understanidng pay equity in your business or workplace.
Navigating Promotions
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