News that helps connect you to opportunities

Discover This Month – December 2022

n this issue we are once again brought back to a discussion on skills and the skills gap between what employers need and what job seekers or candidates can do. Bridging a skills shortage usually takes time but we have some helpful things to consider which may see you being able to bridge that gap sooner.

The skills shortage varies from industry to industry, some areas have been impacted and hit hard – the medical industry and health workers for example, aged care and child care are also experiencing a shortage of qualified people to employ.


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Bridging the gap

Employers always want to find the best candidate that ticks off as many boxes as possible. Ideally they would love you to have experience in all the software they use, and all the skills they require but this is just not possible in many circumstances and it is currently a common issue.

Employers can overcome this by lowering the requirement to have it all and focusing on the ‘must have’ skills.

Employers want to hear that you can learn new skills quickly. If you know you don’t meet all the requirements of a job description then think carefully before the interview about how you can outline your ability to learn quickly, attend training or courses that will bring you up to speed. It will make all the difference in the selection process.


Look carefully at your CV and the roles you are applying for. Is there a common theme or a platform or tech that all the roles are asking for? If it’s something you are lacking consider putting yourself on a course to upskill in that area. It will be money well spent and you can outline in the interview that you are proactively trying to bridge the gap in your skills quickly.

Consider asking if you can be buddied up with another team member so you can learn on the job. If it’s formal qualifications that are required ask the employer about formal training or the possibility of attending training during work hours so you can both benefit from this arrangement.


If you are not sure what you would like to do with your career or are keen for a change, do some research and see what roles are of interest – review the skills or qualifications they need, speak to people in that industry. You could get experience by doing an internship or volunteering.l


Prepare yourself for interview questions so that if you don’t tick all the boxes you can provide examples of how you have used skills in the past to address similar situations and therefore prove you can redirect your skills.

Opening up more opportunities

There are many careers and jobs around now that did not exist 10-15 years ago. These new career paths have created huge opportunities for those able to seize the day. Take a look at a job site like Indeed or Seek, review these new professions and what is required.

For many, one of the barriers is ‘experience’. Almost all employers or recruiters want you to come with experience. What if you are starting out? How do you get experience and a foot in the door?

Here are some things to consider:

  • Volunteer – we touched on this earlier but it’s an excellent way of seeing if you like it but also getting references, contacts, networking and gaining hands on experience. It shows a proactive approach and not to mention extra brownie points
  • Online Free Resources- there are so many websites and platforms with free online resources such as Linda, Skillshare etc. Do as many of these short online courses as you can. No doubt you will learn something in each one you undertake and your resume will show you have been trying to work on upskilling
  • Mentorship- look at your industry and contact that relevant industry association or body and ask about the possibility of a mentor, it’s an excellent way to gain connections and contacts.
  • Part Time Study or Certificate Courses- While you look for your career job or a role that you want to explore why not study part time, there are many free tafe courses that will help you break into the sector after graduating with a certificate course.


If your interview skills are rusty we can help you prepare with interview questions you can practise and rehearse and we can also take a look at your CV and ensure it is up to standard and that you include all the things that the hiring manager or manager will want to see.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your CV if you are considering a change or new role in 2023.

Message from the CEO

The end of 2022 is upon us and in terms of finding work or changing careers it’s been an interesting year.

For some it’s been an excellent opportunity to improve working conditions, score better perks and work the hours that they prefer. For others it’s been a time of upheaval and staying put has been the best choice as employers navigate job keeper and in some cases a downturn in business.

It feels like things are starting to return to normal and while we are still in a candidates market we are finding that many employers are still searching for the right person to join their team across a variety of industries.

Skills once again has proven to be an issue that is still around and will be for some time to come however I hope you find our tips in this newsletter useful in putting yourself to the front at interviews and in gaining experience.

We look forward to what 2023 brings us and with low unemployment, there are so many opportunities available to candidates Australia-wide.

As always we would love to hear from you if you think we can be of assistance or if you have seen one of our many job ads on social media.

The offer to assist with your CV or interview skills is open all year round, just reach out to us and make a time to chat.

From all the team at Recruitment Central we wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and look forward to bringing you more insights in our newsletters in 2023.





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