New Role Feasibility – Reviewing Job Market Realities

Finding the perfect team member can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. At Recruitment Central, we specialise in making your hiring process easier, especially when it comes to long-term roles.

A Unique Challenge: Multifaceted Recruitment Needs

Recently, we encountered a unique challenge when a client approached us with a multifaceted role that combined the responsibilities of a payroll manager, an accounts person, and a bookkeeper. To tackle this recruitment problem efficiently, we conducted a comprehensive market evaluation to gain insights into the demand for such a role and the availability of qualified candidates.

Strategic Decision: Multipronged Advertising Campaign

Following our research, which yielded mixed results, we made a strategic decision to opt for a multipronged advertising campaign instead of a full headhunt. Within just one week of launching this campaign, we were thrilled to receive an overwhelming response. Our efforts attracted a pool of 10 exceptional candidates who not only met our client’s job requirements but surpassed them.

Rigorous Screening Process: Identifying Top Talent

The screening process involved rigorous interviews and assessments to ensure that the candidates possessed the necessary skills and experience to excel in the combined role. After careful deliberation, three standout individuals were shortlisted for the final round of evaluations.

Practical Evaluation: Assessing Candidates’ Abilities

During the final round, each candidate was given a practical task that simulated real-world scenarios they would encounter in the role. This hands-on approach provided valuable insights into their problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and overall fit within the client’s organisation. Ultimately, one candidate emerged as the perfect fit for the position, showcasing a blend of expertise, adaptability, and enthusiasm that exceeded our client’s expectations.

Turnaround time: 15 days end to end.

The entire recruitment process had an impressive turnaround time of 15 days from start to finish. During this time, we focused not only on identifying and sourcing candidates but also on streamlining the hiring process to ensure efficiency and engagement. Our aim was to tailor the process specifically to our client’s needs, ultimately building an exceptional team with the right skills sets to drive success for their business.

If you’re currently facing a hiring challenge or planning your next recruitment process, we invite you to book a meeting with us. Let’s discuss how Recruitment Central can streamline and tailor a process that meets your unique requirements.


RC Central Update Feb 2024 (8)

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